Foto: Rolf Heinrich, Köln / CC BY 3.0
The Charité in Berlin is an association of the medical faculties of Humboldt-Universität and Freie Universität. It is the oldest hospital in Berlin, has 4 campuses and is one of the largest university clinics in Europe with over 3,000 beds. Over half of the German Nobel laureates for medicine or physiology come from Charité.
At the Campus Virchow-Klinikum in Berlin-Wedding, the control of the ventilation systems for the operating rooms should be exchanged during the ongoing operation. For this, we have created provisional arrangements in very tight time frames, which have made it possible to continue the operation without interruption, while we have upgraded the control cabinets on site and migrated to new control components.
The Campus Charité Mitte, on the other hand, was equipped with completely new control cabinets, while much of the remaining MSR components were taken over from the inventory. These cabinets we have planned and manufactured, as well as put on site in operation.